This Altered Book contains greeting cards from my family saved in a drawer for years and years. This is their final resting place, presented to the family on the occasion of "Gma's 85th Birthday Family Reunion" this month. Although my 'real' birthday is in December, changing the date brought more of us together, all 21 of us for the first time ever: kids, grands and great grands!
My daughters are very good at conveying their emotions in words. The cards contain love and memories and humor, the forte of my sons.
The book I used as a foundation was a printer's showcase. Some of the wording was fortuitously appropos and I left it in uncovered.
These are just a few of the pages. I plan to post more in the future. The fun was in the doing, as usual. I was able to use pieces of art class/mixed media papers no longer hidden away in other drawers.
I am in love with this project and so grateful for the love from my family in ALL the many ways they show it to me.